Losing things? Try these steps

Q: I regularly lose things such as my sunglasses, keys, and even my wallet now and again. They eventually turn up, usually where I least expect them, but it’s very stressful in the meantime. Any ideas on how to make the inevitable searching process more productive?
A: How many times have I heard this question? You share this problem with SO many other people and yet there really are a number of things that you can do to help solve it. Let’s start with the keys.
Keys are so necessary, and probably the most constantly used item of all those that you mentioned. Select a particular spot that is convenient to your house doors, or wherever you enter your home. It should be a spot where you will always be using your keys. Install a nail, hook, or perhaps even a small basket—something that can hold your keys. Then ALWAYS put your keys there. I have a magnetic hook attached to the refrigerator, just inside the kitchen door that is very convenient to my entry way. My keys ALWAYS go there immediately when I arrive home. On a rare occasion, I have not remembered where I put my keys, but when I checked the hook—guess what?—there they were! Find a place for yourself today.
Some items, such as glasses, are with us even more of the time than are keys, especially if we need them for reading or other detailed work. Those attachments that are made to fit the earpieces of glasses can be a great help in keeping the glasses around your throat when you aren’t using them. These can help one avoid misplacing them, inasmuch as they will always be with you.
Sunglasses are usually worn far less often, and my first suggestion for avoiding losing them is the same as for keys: always put them in the same place. However, if they are lost, there is another technique that often works well for finding them, or any other misplaced item.
Use your imagination. I do not mean this in the usual sense, but imagining is involved. Take a comfortable seat. Try to imagine what you were doing when you last wore your sunglasses. Where were you, exactly? Try to remember the situation. Where had you been? What activities were you doing? Why did you wear sunglasses? Ask all the pertinent questions and answer them as well as you can. If possible, actually retrace your steps. Relive the situation. You may well be surprised at how clearly the details develop. Others who have tried this technique have told me how well it really works.
In general, it would be very helpful for you to become more focused, to concentrate, and to pay close attention to details around you. Being aware of your surroundings and of your activities can help you to remember what you have done, and where you were while you were doing it. Avoid distractions as well as you can. Late in the day, try to remember your activities in as much detail as possible.
All these ideas are time consuming but can help you to be organized and in control of your life and possessions. Give it a try.
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